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Quantum Robot - Indev

Action first person shooter with boss fights. · By James Frowen


Recent updates

New Weapon and Health systems - Change Log v0-1-98
New Weapon and Health systems Work on this update has been slow but it is now finished. The Weapon and Health systems have been reimplemented and improved. Weap...
3 files — 0.1.98
Image effects and small changes
Image effects and small changes Add Image effects for some in-game menu. This update has lots of small changes. A few quality of life change like color coding m...
3 files — 0.1.86
Improved boss model and mechanics
Improved Boss model and mechanics The first boss has remade with a new model and updated mechanics to make the boss more intuitive to fight. The model of the bo...
5 files — 0.1.81, 0.1.71
New Textures and models
New Textures and models Remaking the first level with new models and textures. Replacing a lot of the models with improved models and textures. Recreating the f...
4 files — 0.1.71
Adding tutorial - Change Log v0-1-50
Adding tutorial Adding a tutorial that will start after creating a new profile. The tutorial will go through the core mechanics of the game, this will hopefully...
4 files — 0.1.50
Modification Shop - Change Log v0-1-44
Modification Shop Adding a Shop to the playground level to buy and sell Modification found in the game. When the playground level is loaded the list of modifica...
4 files — 0.1.44
Player Modifications - Change Log v0-1-37
Player Modifications There are now modifications that the player can collect and use to upgrade their character. A modification menu can be accessed by pressing...
4 files — 0.1.37
Menu Update - Change Log v0-1-34
Major menu update The biggest change for this update is the new menu and ui system. Menus now have better textures and animation so they look nice and are intui...
4 files — 0.1.34

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